
My current goal is to get an internship at a sizable studio and then move on to working as a dev either at the same studio or a better one. I don't mind much what the work is for the internship and first job, whether it's helping out develop the game or just simply a shadow. I also don't mind if the game in development isn't a genre or type that I am that interested in, as I think it would be a good experience to work on games outside my personal interests as every genre has its fans, and learning why they like said genre and what they want from the genre can really teach you a lot. Plus, learning something new about a field I am passionate in is always worth it because of how fun it is to learn and grow as a developer.

In terms of work space, I'm fine with any type of office as long as I have my own desk to work at, which is pretty much the standard for most places. Noise levels can sometimes be an issue but an office where most people are working on either programming or making art is likely not to be that loud or intrusive.